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Fruity Bird Delight


How would you like to experience this unique delight with the tiny Turkish delight grains that contain the unique flavor of the fruits grown in Anatolia?


Fruity Bird Delight

Firstly, Special Turkish Delight mixtures, each with different fruits, are boiled in different Turkish Delight cauldrons. Then it is taken to the pasa and rested. After waiting for a certain time, the Turkish Delight is cut into small cubes in the cutting machine. The surface of the cut delight grains is covered with powdered sugar and packaged meticulously according to their weight. Fruity Turkish Delights are shipped to be presented to the liking of BAHTİYAR DOĞAN’s customers.

İçindekiler: Şeker, mısır nişastası, asitlik düzenleyici (sitrik asit), çeşidine göre doğal (gül, limon, nar, portakal, çilek, muz, kivi, kakao, bergamot) aroması, çeşidine göre (çöğen suyu, Hindistan cevizi,fındık içi, Antep fıstığı, badem içi, ceviz içi, yer fıstığı içi)çeşnisi. Çeşidine göre renklendirici (tartrazin e102, sunset yellow e110, teagreen e233)