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Apricot Chocolate


The wonderful taste of apricots and the unique taste of chocolate met with Bahtiyar Dogan's masterings.


Apricot Chocolate

The pre-prepared apricot delight mortar is boiled in Turkish Delight cauldrons. After the apricot delight is boiled, it is left to rest on the pasa. Then it is cut into tiny cubes in Turkish Delight cutting machines. On the other hand, chocolate is boiled in hot cauldrons. The boiled chocolate is poured over the apricot delights and left to cool. The cooled apricot chocolates are carefully packaged and shipped to BAHTİYAR DOĞAN’s customers.

İçindekiler: Şeker, mısır nişastası, asitlik düzenleyici (sitrik asit), çeşidine göre doğal (gül, limon, nar, portakal, çilek, muz, kivi, kakao, bergamot) aroması, çeşidine göre (çöğen suyu, Hindistan cevizi,fındık içi, Antep fıstığı, badem içi, ceviz içi, yer fıstığı içi)çeşnisi. Çeşidine göre renklendirici (tartrazin e102, sunset yellow e110, teagreen e233)

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250 G, 400 G, 500 G, 1 KG